Barisan Nasional (National Front) will get majority, but what they should not get is 2/3rd's majority. They must be denied absolute power or we as Malaysians have dug our own graves.
Please read the following. Appreciate all your comments and feedbacks:-
Many Malaysians misunderstand the reasons why BN wants the 2/3rd majority.
This is what I have gathered from talking to people and from the facebook group Deny Barisan Nasional a 2/3 Majority in the upcoming election!. I apologise for any factual errors and ignorance in this post. So do correct me if I am wrong. Anyway, here goes...For the past few elections, we keep hearing 2/3rd majority this 2/3 majority that. Early in this elections, Pak Lah says he "hopes" BN wins the 2/3rd majority. BN has successfully got the people to think that this is the majority required to win the elections.In fact, BN only needs a 51 percent majority to win the election and form government. And it forms government with the opposition parties such that government also consists of opposition.
So what is 2/3rd majority for?Once BN becomes the lords of the jungle, it gets to do funky things like make new laws, supposedly passed in the interest of serving the people (though I wonder why it took so long for women's groups to campaign for a rape law - it is as simple as passing a law against sexual acts without consent... could it be that the men in power are afraid their wives and mistresses will suddenly sue them?). There are laws about laws lah. You cannot simply go and pull any old law out of your ass. In proposing new laws, the parliament requires a clear 51 percent majority from those in the parliament, then it can pass the law. But with that 2/3 majority, what is 51 percent? BN doesn't even break a sweat with any law it wants to pull out of its ass. A 2/3rd majority however is required in the AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION, and also some kinds of laws. The constitution is a piece of document with 181 articles that lay down the foundation of this country when it was first formed. Naturally, as time passes, some parts of the document becomes irrelevant or needs to be updated. But changing the constitution is a damn serious thing, so the law requires that the government needs a 2/3rd majority of approvals in the house before a change can be made to any part of the constitution.Here's some perspective. Singapore has amended their constitutions 4 times and USA in all their 5 centuries of existence have amended their constitution 27 times.Since 1957, BN has amended the Malaysian Constitution a total of 690 times. I will write it again s you won't think it is a typo. It is 690 times. You should now ask, where is the original constitution? Where has the nation gone? If it were not my country, I would be laughing.
But I'm so not laughing no more.
Some famous amendments include the stripping of the royalty's power and the creation of the syariah court to deal with certain Islamic legalities. Recently, they amended to extend the term of the electoral commission chairperson. Makes you wonder, right? In a recent interview with the press, when asked about the charges of phantom voters, instead of saying, "Yes, we are investigating it," this chair said "There are no phantom voters!" and also that he has not seen any zombie coming out to vote... Which leads to my questions: Why is he so defensive? Who is he defending? Isn't he supposed to be neutral? Could it be that the people he is defending are the same people who extended his term... so that he could extend theirs?I believe the University and College Act that prevents university students from taking part in politics and those various acts that control content on media and press part of amendments to our constitutional freedom of speech. Yes, we still have freedom of speech except where we are not free to speak. These amendments have resulted in a constitution that is messy and contradictory and inconsistent. Hence the country is also messy and contradictory and inconsistent.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely...
So BN wants the 2/3rd majority not to serve the people but to serve itself. It wants the 2/3rd majority to have UNCHALLENGED POWER to keep amending the constitution to favour them, so that with every passing elections, they make it harder for anyone to challenge them. This allows them to make themselves more powerful, richer and fatter (have you seen so many fat politicians in one party ever??)The only time BN has lost the 2/3rd majority is in 1969. You know what happened then. As a result of the violence that was allowed to happen, BN has been able to use the incident to frighten people to always give them unchallenged power - basically the power to keep giving themselves more power and the power to screw the rakyat over and over again.Don't let BN tell you the constitutional amendments are for national security. Do you sleep better at night knowing you cannot speak up your hopes about this land of your mother and father? Preventing freedom of speech is for nobody's security but Barisan Nasional's own skin. For it to equate BN's security to national security and say that a criticism of BN is a threat to national security is an implied threat. Yes, by claiming that if you poke them, they can superpoke you back, BN is threatening the country. So we become afraid and turn our backs from politics. And when you turn your back to politics, you are giving your ass to Samy Vellu. And Najib. And Hisham. And Rafidah - that woman can screw too!
Don't give your ass to BN.Look out for your fellow Malaysians' asses. Share this info please. Tell them to protect themselves from getting screwed, at least not without their consent lah!
Have forwarded this to a few people who are still unclear of the concept.
But am afraid tis little too late as many people are ignorant of the facts or too scared (stupid? = eg Bai) to change.
Worse yet, the BN machinery will probably cheat its way into a 2/3 majority.
Sigh . . . see you at the NZ high comm soon fer those immigration papers.
very nice piece of article...
and 690 times??? wow... unbelievable!
i'll post this to my blog so that BN cannot superpoke us back...
-i'm not ready to get my ass screwed yet-
Great post mate! And thanks for adding me blog link to ya list.
AD: Have faith. It is not over yet. Spread the word. We have 3 more days.
Senorita: Thanks for visiting me blog. None of us are ready to get our asses screwed. Spread the word.
There will be a change!!! Power to the people.
Jonc: Keep going for the ceramah's and spread the word. Have your own little ceramah for your friends who are in the dark. There are tons of people who are totally clueless. We need to help them see the truth.
Excellent write-up! :)
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